What Technical Factors should you consider in Web Design and Development?

admin November 20 2022
Web design

Regardless of your business type, a website is needed to create an online identity. Besides, your website is critical in boosting your other digital marketing efforts. For instance, it can help introduce your brand to potential customers, promote your products and services, generate leads, improve sales, etc. Therefore, to make your website more effective, you must consider a few technical aspects of web design and development. This blog will further discuss these factors.

8 Critical factors of Web Design and Development

When designing and developing a website for a business, it is crucial to consider the following technical factors. Let’s discuss them further.

Strong backend

Backend development involves working on server-side software that focuses on everything which otherwise is not visible on your website. Backend developers work on databases, backend logic, application programming interfaces (APIs), servers, etc., to ensure your website performs well. Therefore, you need a reliable content management system or CMS to provide strong front-end support to your website. It also allows you to customise the theme of your website design as per the client’s preference.

Clean design

Your website design plays a critical role in keeping your audience engaged. Ideally, clean, intuitive, appealing, and responsive design are considered crucial features of web design. Adding too many texts or images can distract your audience or shift their focus to less significant elements. Therefore, you need o create a website design that highlights the critical aspects of your website. Since the focus is to create visually appealing websites, designers consider various elements when designing your website.

User-friendly navigation

Another crucial aspect of web designing and development to which you must pay attention is its navigability. If your audience has trouble browsing through your website, they will likely leave even before exploring properly. Hence, you need to ensure that your website has easy navigation.

Strategically placed CTA buttons

Call to action or CTA buttons helps guide audiences to take the action you want. Therefore, web designers strategically place relevant CTA buttons on different sections of your website for maximum effect.

Faster loading time

Website speed is another critical factor that designers and developers must consider. Your page loading speed can affect the number of web visitors staying on your website or leaving immediately. Ideally, Google recommends page loading time should be below 2 seconds. The more time it takes for your website to load, the more visitors will leave it without even opening it. It can cause you to lose many potential business opportunities and affect your website’s ranking on search engines. Hence, developers need to check website speed occasionally and fix the issues to improve your website performance.

Multiple browser compatibility

As users can access your website from various devices, such as desktop, mobile, etc., you must ensure your website responds effectively on multiple devices and browsers.


Designers also need to consider the mobile responsiveness of a website during its design phase. Besides, Google also introduced mobile-first indexing in 2018. As more and more users use their mobile devices when searching for information, products or services, you need to make your website mobile-friendly.


Google prioritises websites that are secured. Therefore, it is critical to get an SSL certificate for your website. Most users avoid visiting or sharing their personal information with a not-secure website. Hence, you must include security features in your website design and regularly perform security checks.

In addition to the above points, there are many other factors that designers and developers consider when designing and developing your website. At Cloudistudio, you’ll get to meet many talented developers and designers. Hire suitable candidates to build ideal websites for your businesses.